
Please take notice of this disclaimer and leave the page if you can not agree with its terms!

BaSShuT Logo created by Wayfinder, (c) 2002.

All other images, except the ones part of the template, created by Seismic, (c) 2009.

All files available from BaSShuT or respective sources (e.g. Pouet) are copyrighted by the respective artist(s), all rights reserved! Without written permission of the respective artist(s) it is not allowed to use any file or parts of it for any commercial purposes like e.g. a CD-ROM collection, commercial broadcast, commercial presentation or commercial duplication in general. Non-commercial broadcasting or presentation is allowed, as long as you clearly name the author(s) and the origin of the file. You can send any file to third persons, as long as the package keeps unchanged and you dont make any profit of it. The files are free for private use and/or entirely uncommercial parties only.
Solely the respective author(s) of a song hold(s) responsible for its content.

The webmaster and the artists of BaSShuT do not hold responsible or agree with any kind of content displayed on the linked pages that can be reached directly or indirectly by browsing through our pages and its components! We are not responsible in any way for the content of those pages, nor can we influence the content of these pages! We even disassociate from the content of these pages! This applies especially, but not exclusively, to the user-modifyable Link-Oneliner displayed on the "Welcome" page!
If any of the above mentioned terms turns out to be judicial ineffective, its statement remains untouched as if it were a judicial effective term and shall be replaced by this judicial effective term.

Place of jurisdiction is Osnabrück (NDS), Germany.